Listings notifications

Historically, Olio-ers who've completed 7 pickups in 7 days received a 1 hour delay on viewing, and being notified about new listings. The aim of this was to ensure newbies had a better chance of successfully requesting and experiencing the Olio magic.

Since February 2024, we’ve transitioned to a fairer system and retired the 7x7 notification delay.

This updated approach uses a dynamic system that applies exclusively to free food listings. The delays take into account factors like the number of recent pickups a user has had, their star rating, plus additional factors. For instance, users with a high star rating and fewer pickups are prioritised over those with a lower star rating and more frequent pickups.

This approach means members of the Olio community will see listings at slightly different times - very similar to how content is displayed on other digital platforms. The delays will range from zero (the vast majority of Olio-ers), to a few minutes, and up to a maximum of 1 hour (for a tiny number of people); and this will be dynamically changing all the time.

The maximum delay experienced by a user for a FWH listing will be 15 minutes. No delay will apply to FWH listings added to the app after 10pm.

Squad Captains will also be exempt from any delay so they can see their squad’s listings immediately, and provide support if needed. 

As with all major features we develop this will be tested carefully and we will keep a close eye on our core metrics such as pickup arranged rate, pickups per listing and requests per listing. It is also a system that we will continue to develop and refine over time. 

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