
What is the Watchlist?

The watchlist is a section where you can save listings so you can easily refind them, or keep an eye on them. You can find it within the hamburger menu.

How can I add or remove a listing from my Watchlist?

You can add a listing to your watchlist by clicking on the star ‘watchlist’ icon on a listing. You can remove a listing from your watchlist by tapping again on the star ‘watchlist’ icon. A solid star indicates that a listing is already on your watchlist whilst a listing with an empty star isn’t. 

Why have listings disappeared from my watchlist without me removing them?

Listings will be automatically removed from your watchlist once they have expired or been unlisted. Listings in any other state e.g. in pick-up arranged state will still show.

Does the lister receive a notification if I add their listing to my watchlist?

Yes, the user will receive an in-app notification visible within their activity feed to let them know that you have added their listing to your watchlist. However, they will not be able to message you unless you have previously messaged one another, either on that listing or another listing. 

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