What is a DSAR?

What is a DSAR? 

A Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) is a request made by an individual to an organisation asking for access to their personal data. Under UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), individuals have the right to know what personal information an organisation holds about them.

What kind of information does a DSAR cover?

When processing a DSAR, Olio will provide a user with the following data we hold about them:

  • Personal data they provided such as their name, address, email, phone number, location, etc.
  • Data they created using the app (messages, listings, forum posts, collections, app usage, etc.)
  • Internal discussions containing their personal data (name, email or user ID) if any.

And additional information they can find in our Privacy Policy:

  • General details about how and why personal data is being processed
  • Information on how long personal data is stored.
  • Details of any third parties with whom personal data is shared.

Please note that we only share personal data with third parties to ensure the app runs smoothly and efficiently. We never sell you personal data for profit.

What type of information does a DSAR not cover?

A DSAR does not cover:

  • Data that is not considered personal or identifiable
  • Information about other individuals 
  • Information that would reveal trade secrets and security systems (such as information used to detect and prevent misuses of our services and that is not based on protected characteristics)
  • Information that is subject to legal privilege or that Olio is legally required to keep confidential

How to make a DSAR? 

Any user can make a DSAR by emailing hello@olioapp.com and attaching a valid proof of ID. If you are making a DSAR for a specific purpose, telling us what you would like to know in your initial email will help us get back to you more quickly.

Olio shall respond to a DSAR within 30 days  of receiving a valid proof of ID.

Please note that making a DSAR will not give you access to any information about another user. 

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