General information about the app, our mission, and our founders.
14 questions
4 questions
How to access the app, edit your profile, and update your settings and notifications.
17 questions
How to add listings, request an item from another user, and how selling works.
16 questions
The Forum, Events, Borrow, Goals, Karma points, and in-app ads.
8 questions
Information about product recalls, label dates, and how to share and receive food.
4 questions
Learn about our rules, policies, and how we keep you safe on the Olio app.
14 questions
App not working? Here's how to troubleshoot, report issues, or contact us.
9 questions
Partner with us to donate your surplus food efficiently and sustainably.
1 question
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14 questions
How to claim a Food Waste Hero collection, and how to organise cover.
22 questions
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11 questions
4 questions
Collecting from retailers.
46 questions
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15 questions
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13 questions
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