Our frequently asked questions

FAQs for catering clients 🍽️

Using the mobile app 🌍

About Olio

General information about the app, our mission, and our founders.

12 questions

Promotional Offers T&Cs

3 questions

Using the App

How to access the app, edit your profile, and update your settings and notifications.

18 questions

Getting Started

How to add listings, request an item from another user, and how selling works.

16 questions

Sections of the App

The Forum, Events, Borrow, Goals, Karma points, and in-app ads.

10 questions

Food Safety

Information about product recalls, label dates, and how to share and receive food.

5 questions

Safety & Security

Learn about our rules, policies, and how we keep you safe on the Olio app.

14 questions


App not working? Here's how to troubleshoot, report issues, or contact us.

9 questions

Business Food Donations

Partner with us to donate your surplus food efficiently and sustainably.

1 question

Food Waste Heroes 🇬🇧 🇮🇪

Volunteering with Olio

8 questions

Getting started as a Food Waste Hero

14 questions

Claiming a collection

How to claim a Food Waste Hero collection, and how to organise cover.

22 questions

Listing food as a Food Waste Hero

6 questions

Sharing food as a Food Waste Hero

13 questions

Food safety for volunteers

12 questions

Tesco and Boots Incentives

3 questions

Troubleshooting & reporting issues

6 questions

Food Waste Hero Programme Business Partners

Collecting from retailers.

54 questions

Collections from TV and film sets

4 questions

Collections from a catering site

5 questions

Utilizando la app 🇪🇸

¿Qué es Olio?

3 questions

A la venta

3 questions

Acerca de Olio

1 question

Aliados Olio

2 questions

Como usar la app

15 questions

Confianza y seguridad

6 questions

Enlaces de ayuda

1 question


1 question

Reportar y calificar

1 question


3 questions

¿Problemas con la aplicación?

4 questions

Héroes Recolectores de Alimentos 🇪🇸

Información y consejos para HRAs

13 questions

Líder de Brigada

2 questions

Turnos de recolección

4 questions