Reinstating FWH Collection Slots and Squad Captain Roles

At Olio, we understand how important your contributions are to reducing food waste, and we aim to be as fair as possible when managing Food Waste Hero (FWH) slots and Squad Captain positions.

Here’s a breakdown of when FWH slots and Squad Captain roles will or won't be reinstated. 😊

When we reinstate FWH slots:

  • Incorrect Warning/Ban: If a warning/ban was issued in error and a review shows that the mistake was on our end, not the FWH's. 🙌
  • System Error: If the post collection Olio Little Helper message was sent to the wrong FWH who was not assigned to the slot ⚠️
  • Duplicated Messages: If duplicated post collection Olio Little Helper messages come through and the system doesn't allow the FWH to answer them. ⚠️

When we reinstate Squad Captain roles:

  • Incorrect Warning/Ban: If a warning/ban was issued in error and a review shows that the mistake was on our end, not the FWH's. 🙌

When we don’t reinstate FWH slots:

  • Missed Collection: If food was confirmed, but the FWH didn’t list it within 1.5 hours or didn’t reply to the post-collection Olio Little Helper message within 15 hours. 🚫
  • Wrong Slot Listed: If the items were listed under the wrong slot and the post collection Olio Little Helper message wasn't answered within 15hrs. Please ensure you’re listing under the correct slot. 📍
  • Unassigned Slots: If FWHs have unassigned/paused/skipped a slot themselves and later request to have it reinstated. 🕑
  • Charity Slot Release: If a charity stepped forward and then quickly released the ongoing slot back to Olio, we will not reinstate it. 🚫

When we don’t reinstate Squad Captain roles:

  • Unassigned role: If a FWH has dropped the Squad Captain role themselves and later request to have it reinstated 🕑
  • Inactive: If a Squad Captain has been inactive in the Squad chat for over a month they will be removed from the role.
  • Warning/Ban: If the FWH has received a valid warning or ban.

Just a reminder: reclaiming slots or Squad Captain roles after removal isn’t against our rules, so there’s no need to report it.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure fairness and smooth operations within our community! 🌟

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