Food Waste Hero: maximum collection slots changes (Dec 2024)
What’s changed with slot limits?
Prior to December 2024, the slot limit rules were:
- FWH can have a total of 7 limited slots at any one time.
- FWHs can have a maximum of 2 limited collections per day. This can be made up of 1 ongoing + 1 one-off collection or 2 one-off collections.
- FWHs can claim as many ‘Unlimited’ collections as they like
As of December 2024, we have simplified this to only one rule:
Food Waste Heroes can have a maximum of 3 collections taking place on any given date. The 3 collections can be any type (e.g. ongoing or one-off).
Why did Olio change the collection slot limits?
There were multiple factors behind the decision to change slot limits:
- The code had become very complex and buggy following numerous tweaks over the years
- We had feedback from FWHs that the different rules (unlimited and limited) were hard to understand
- Our Customer Satisfaction team found it hard to investigate reported issues
Why did Olio remove the concept of limited and unlimited collections?
With the new rules, the concept of “Limited” and “Unlimited” collections is redundant. All collections will be subject to the same rule that Food Waste Heroes can have a maximum of 3 collections taking place on any given date. The 3 collections can be any type (e.g. ongoing or one-off).
We appreciate that this may be disappointing for the 5% of our FWHs who sometimes claimed more than 3 slots a day. However, we believe it will be an enormous improvement for everyone else.
Why did Olio remove the household limit?
Previously, FWHs within the same household were not permitted to collect on the same day. As part of the work to simplify the rules around collections, we have also removed this household rule. All FWHs claiming more than one collection on a given day will need to confirm they have adequate space in their house to store the food from all collections safely.